Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Folds and Fabric.  I Do Not Like Oil Pastel. This piece is finished... but any critiques? Any suggestions??


  1. I think you did really good on it my favorite part is how you got the white lines perfectly white without any blue in it

  2. I like how you can see the folds in the fabric and that is hard to show with oil pastel. Also i like the hard lines in the pin.

  3. I like how valued this is. I like the subtle change in the background, too. You did a very nice job with shading and keeping the colors from blending when they didn't need to. 👍🏻

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  5. The cloth really stands out from the background and it makes it look so good it's really hard to do that with the folds and fabric piece and you made it look great

  6. I would still like to see it fade more in the values. It still looks stylized, which is okay, but now we know where we need to show growth.

  7. i love that it is on a clothes line! i think it is great with the value !
