Friday, April 7, 2017

So my concentration came out of nowhere. I have had no interest in birds in my entire life until our first project "impress me.'' I may hate birds but I really enjoy drawing them. I love the texture and uniformity of the feathers. No matter how crazy a birds wings or colors can be, it's all really the same anatomy and things criteria of drawing. Ironically, this uniformity makes it difficult to show growth! So I have taken to growing my concentration through objects around birds to birds themselves and then to abstract birds like the one above.
My projects haven't changed as much throughout the year. I can see myself using the same textures and strokes to represent feathers, but now I find that my strengths in media have changed. At the benign of the year I was terrified of watercolors. But now thats the only material that I think can show detail.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

So this is an example of the idea behind the first stage of my concentration.  Just objects and bird paraphenalia. Kinda simple I know. I guess thats why I finished all 5 projects way too early and now I feel like my time has no purpose in second block. Don't be like me.  Don't work ahead.  You'll be depressed, like me.  Don't be depressed.  Don't work ahead.

Sunday, January 22, 2017

So Big surprise... My concentration is Birds... I'm going to go from objects related to birds (like feathers or nests) moving to birds being still (like the birds just sitting on the branch) Moving to birds in motion. 

Monday, November 28, 2016

Hey MG... So portraits aren't my strong suit! If you have any tips could you help a girl out. My favorite part of this piece is the hair..

Friday, November 11, 2016

Inside a..... Strawberry! I took a lot from the critique today! Thanks guys! I'm going to keep working on adding darker values... It's a process but here's where I am so far!!

Sunday, November 6, 2016

This was a difficult picture to take... I think Iam stronger at painting and value that you can layer. I can tell that some of my weakest pieces are pieces that show value directly (like in the folds and fabric piece at the end). But with paint and pencil, you can add layers.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Hey so this is my foreshortening piece!! I know the shadow is messed up but thats ok. I tried! Hope everyone is having a good week and isn't stressing out about this turn in. At the end of the day we will all be fine. Take it one brush stroke at a time and remember that you don't really hate Art. You hate yourself for being slow :)